Psalm 119:115

Psalm 119:115

Thursday, July 28, 2011


hey ya'll,

It has been a while since I have been on here. I have been busy with working and haven't had much time to get on here much. The picture that is attached is a picture of the Mackinac Bridge. I drove across it for the first time the other day. Though I have been across it many times, I just have never drove it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011


It has been a crazy couple of days. I just started spring semester, so I have not had time to upload any new pictures. here are some new ones that I finally got a chance to edit.

Hope you enjoy them

Samantha Elise =)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1 corinthians 13:4

I have seen pictures of this being done and I thought that it was sweet. It took me a while before I finally got my ring to stay. (its not an engagement ring or anything). Out of all my pictures that I have done. I think that this one is my favorite.

Hope you enjoy =)

Samantha Elise =)